Codan Manuals

Codan Manuals and Data Sheets for Codan Transceivers and BUCs.

In addition to the hundreds of hard copy manuals that we have in stock, when we find manufacturers data sheets and manuals on-line, we add them to our website. We make no attempt to verify if they are the the latest version and we recommend checking with the manufacturer for the updated versions. This information is for our client’s convenience and it is free to download.

C-Band Transceiver Redundancy Manual
5900 KU Band Transceiver Manual
KU Band Transceiver Redundancy Manual
5570 Remote Controller Manual
5560 Hand-held Controller Manual
6550 L-Band IF Interface Manual
6560/6570 BUC Controller Manual
6700/6900 BUC Manual
C and KU Band SSPA Manual
High Power SSPA Connection Guide
5700 C-Band Transceiver Data Sheet
Transceiver Redundancy Data Sheet
5900 KU-Band Transceiver Data Sheet
C and KU Band High Power Transceiver
C-Band BUC Data Sheet
6500 BUC Accessories Data Sheet
6700 C-Band BUC Data Sheet
6900 KU-Band BUC Data Sheet
High Power BUC Data Sheet
Rugged BUC Data Sheet