GDSatcom PK01450 LA 80W KU-Band BUC



GDSatcom PK01450 LA 80W KU-Band BUC Frequency range of 13.75 to 14.4GHz – Based on the color we think this BUC came from a government background. It appears virtually unused; the fans are clean without that normal crust you see when a product has been used heavily. Our tests show that it is in perfect condition.

This is a 48VDC powered device and will fit into to 48VDC environment very well.

If you need an outdoor rugged power supply, you can see one here:



Additional information



GDSATCom BUC Test Data

Installation and Maintenance Manual Vertex SSPA

PKM, PKO14SxxLA Ku-Band Antenna-Mount SSPAs Data Sheet

Serial Connection Protocol for Vertex SSPA