Advantech Modem Manuals

Data Sheets for Advantech Modems, Converters and Terminals.

In addition to the hundreds of hard copy manuals that we have in stock, when we find manufacturers data sheets and manuals on-line, we add them to our website. We make no attempt to verify if they are the the latest version and we recommend checking with the manufacturer for the updated versions. This information is for our client’s convenience and it is free to download.

Because Advantech manufacture such a wide range of products we have tried to organize the data sheets into
groups. On this page we show modems, hubs and complete the amplifier listing with S-Band and X-Band equipment

Modems, Hubs and Terminals

Advantech VSAT Hubs
AMR Transcend 600
Advantech AMT30 Modem
Advantech AMT73L Modem
Advantech AMT75 Modem
Advantech AMT75e Modem
Advantech Discovery 100 DVB-RCS VSAT Hub
Advantech Discovery 200 DVB-RCS VSAT Hub
Advantech Discovery 300 DVB-RCS VSAT Hub
Advantech Raptor DVB-RCS VSAT Hub
Advantech S4100 DVB RCS VSAT Terminal
Advantech S4920 DVB RCS SCADA Terminal
Advantech SBD75E DVB-S2 Demodulator
Advantech SBM75E DVB-S2 modulator
ARMA-1000 S-Band Rack Mount SSPA
ARMA-2000S S-Band Rack Mount SSPA
ARMA-4000S S-Band Rack Mount SSPA
Advantech AWMT-1000X X-BAND Transceiver
Advantech AWMT-2000X X-Band Transceiver
Advantech AWMT-3000LX X-band L-Band Transceiver
Advantech AWMT-4000LX X-Band L-Band Transceiver
Advantech AWMT-4000X X-Band Transceiver
Advantech AWMT-5000LX X-Band L-Band Transceiver
Advantech SSPBM-X 2200-G X-Band SSPB hub Mount