Miteq DNS-14-12-LC KU-Band Test Loop Translator



Miteq DNS-14-12-LC KU-Band Test Loop Translator in stock, we have two immediately available. Although they are used, they have been looked after. None of that nasty scratching that some teleports seem to specialize in.

As an extra plus they are in good working condition.

We have been asked “What does a test loop translator do?”
A test loop translator (TLT) is a type of radio frequency converter used to translate between uplink and downlink segments (generally in the same band), to allow for “loop-back” testing and calibration of a satellite ground station without the need to interface with the satellite.
When I was a teleport manager in Miami a few years ago and we didn’t have a TLT available, we could scan the spectrum of a satellite to find empty transmit frequencies with matching receive frequencies and put up a loop back signal to test the antenna and uplink components.

Naturally we didn’t do this, because the satellite operator we become very unhappy with the intrusion – but of have heard of some who would.

To save yourself having to go down this dark path, buy a TLT!

Additional information



Miteq DNS14-12-LC Datasheet