
ATM WR62 to SMA VSAT Adapter


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ATM WR62 to SMA VSAT Adapter

ATM WR62 to SMA VSAT Adapter is one of many brand new adapters that we have in stock.

ATM WR62 to SMA VSAT Adapter

The ATM part number is 62-20-1B-6 with a frequency range of 12.2 to 18 GHz.

When we purchased them, according to the sellers records, they paid $200 each.

PE9809 WR-62 waveguide to coax adapter is also known as a WR-62 waveguide transition. This waveguide to coax adapter / transition is constructed as a WR62 to SMA connector and has a male gender. Our WR62 to SMA male waveguide adapter transition has a right angle design and has a square cover flange. Pasternack right angle WR-62 to SMA waveguide to coaxial cable transition / adapter has a minimum frequency of 12.4 GHz and a maximum frequency of 18 GH

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